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Catalyst Ideas Portal
Status Completed
Categories Behaviors
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 13, 2020

Manual entry of duration from app (without running app timer)

The ability to go to behaviors and manually enter a duration and save the duration to the app without having to run a timer within the app. Within this feature, there should also be the ability to enter multiple durations per session/day. This feature would be beneficial as when we are tracking multiple behaviors, often starting the timer is difficult while also managing a behavior. Many of our techs use a stopwatch to track durations but then have to enter the duration into the browser site at the end of the day.
App Type (CAT) Catalyst Mobile App
    Sep 20, 2024
    Users can now manually enter in the time for duration and rate skill and behavior data on the new Catalyst app version *20230504.4.* Please see release notes for more info: ( )
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  • Guest
    Apr 1, 2021
    The last thing our staff should be worrying about during a behavior is entering data and starting a timer...please add this feature!
  • Guest
    Dec 10, 2020
    Unless I'm not understanding, this is already a feature. None of my BTs actually use the in-app timer, and can enter the duration in the app manually instead.
  • Guest
    Dec 4, 2020
    This would be super helpful! I have many younger kiddos as it is definitely too difficult to manage behaviors and start the timer. Being able to manually enter it would allow the therapist to use the stop watch and be able to remain safe by focusing specifically on the behavior.